Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Writing Challenge: Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now

10. Be genuine. Your fake friendliness is incredibly transparent. Being fake shows how little you value people including yourself.
9. Please for the love of god, stop sending me game requests on Facebook.
8. Life is difficult, but it’s also incredible. Don’t let the difficult bits make you bitter.
7. Just because I am a female doesn’t make me less intelligent. I have a brain, and I am going to use it.
6. I love you. No matter what is going on, you can always talk to me.
5. I miss you every moment of everyday. I never imagined not being able to hear your voice would be this incredibly painful. The thought you are in heaven and not here provides me little comfort. I wish I got the chance to see you before you left us.
4. As Elsa from “Frozen” sings… “LET IT GO”
3. I’m going to miss my deadline.
2. You can try to pretend you’re something you’re not, but you and I both know EXACTLY what you are.
1. I still love you with all the madness of my soul.

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