Friday, April 25, 2014

Day Five: Six Things You Wish You Had Never Done

Today's entry puts a line from Frank Sinatra's song in my head, "Regret's I've had a few" from "My Way".  I'm weird like that... I love Sinatra. But I digress, regrets - yes, I've had a few:

6. Follow other people’s dreams for my life instead of my own.
5. Dropped out of college the first time.
4. Held myself in such low-esteem. I often let people and situations get the best of me because I never felt worthy enough.
3. Move to Arizona. Accepted that first date. Stayed put when I knew it wasn’t enough for me.
2. Pretended to be someone I wasn’t. Life is much easier if you just admit who you are and accept and like yourself the way you are.
1. Stayed put while Mom was in her last moments. I should have been there. Someone should have sat with her while she passed.

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