Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day Three: Eight Ways to Win My Heart

8. Be thoughtful and present enough to know when I need some tangible sign you’re still into me. - Send me flowers once in a while. Bring me home a small present with large personal meaning. Write me a love note. Hug me tight when I need it.
7. Spend time seducing my mind.
6. Kiss me like you’re starving for me.
5. Listen to what I have to say. I don’t want you to pretend you’re interested, or not even be interested at all…actually BE interested.
4. Look at me like I’m the only girl in the room.
3. When I do nice things, tell me that it makes you happy, and that I please you. That’s all I want.
2. Let me be comfortable enough to be myself with you, and not a version of myself that mirrors you.
1. Give me permission to stick my cold feet in between your legs to warm them up on particularly chilly nights.

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