Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day Two: Nine Things About Yourself

9. I am left-handed. The nuns tried to force me to be right handed, but my mother would have none of it.
8. I’m studying to earn my Master’s in English Literature and Creative Writing.
7. My mind goes a million miles an hour, I am constantly reading or writing (See #8).
6. I have an irrational fear of escalators.
5. I lust after custom Kitchen-Aid Mixers. See why here.
4. I’m a sapiosexual being. The body part I find most attractive in another person is their mind. Looks matter not if you can’t seduce me with your mind.
3. Learning to tie rope knots is something that intrigues me right now.
2. I love the pain that comes with getting tattooed or pierced.
1. I am obsessed with men's shoulders. I don't quite know why.

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