Monday, April 28, 2014

Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever).

All of these people or groups of people help me grow as an individual and help nourish my sense of self:
- My family - my father, mother, brother and I were always very close. They help keep me grounded and stick with me through thick and thin.
- My husband - loves me despite the fact that I continually change and grow and show different sides to who I am , which isn't always necessarily who he first fell in love with.
-My children - They are my reflection. They are my best teachers. They also give me the gift of always remembering to see things through a child's eyes.
- My friends. Some lifelong, others relatively recent. They hold pieces of my past and pieces of my future. Either way, silver or gold, they are continually providing me with new adventures, new insights, and new experiences.
- My education community. Going back to school at this stage in the game was daunting, but I have a group of excellent advisers, professors, and peers who keep me bringing my "A" game to things.

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