Tuesday, March 11, 2014

It's the End of the World As We Know It...

It’s the end of the world as we know it… this morning R.E.M.’s earwormish tribute to the end of the world played on the radio and sparked a thought. I quite liked The Hunger Games trilogy and the film adaptations. I’m in the midst of reading Divergent.  I love post-apocalyptic television shows like Revolution.  I am also really moved by this short film “Love 2062” or love after the end of the world,  directed by Roman Demongeot in collaboration with musicians De Andria & Ghisal. A dark, futuristic and post-apocalyptic short film in which humanity is using drugs and virtual reality to share moments of pleasure…


But, I am a reader first. I much prefer the story to be told on the page first, and there is something missing for me in the Young Adult post-apocalyptic novels. I need something more. I have a hard time finding something more adult. It might just be me, but I need some clash of bodies while worlds collide and the earth ends as we know it. I would love to read about two characters who come to find each other and love at the end of days.

So I am asking. Do you have a favorite New Adult or Adult post-apocalyptic book that is flying under the radar? If so, help a geek girl who needs a passion filled post-apocalyptic fix. Please leave me a comment with the title and author so I can read it. I’ll also compile a list and post it here.

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