Monday, December 23, 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

Book Review: The Dragon Legacy by Jane Hunt

The Dragon Legacy by Jane Hunt is an atmospheric work of art. Each descriptive turn of phrase leaves the read feeling as though they are part of the unfolding story and also leaves them breathless for more. The story is fashioned as a masque, a tale that reveals an inner truth.

The paranormal cast of characters is well developed by Ms. Hunt. Each detail is striking from her description of Fleur’s initial attraction to Lukas to things like the way Lukas’ hair looked, “its remarkable black color, reminiscent of an exotic bird or reptile with highlights of metallic turquoise and blue woven through it.” The attraction between Fleur and Lukas is so intense, so palpable it makes it difficult to put this book done. Ms. Hunt also does a wonderful job with the characterization of Xavier, the story’s villain. His two-sided nature is testament to Ms. Hunt’s writing skills as she showcases something we see in real life, the two natures people can have and how easy it is for them to hide certain aspects of themselves.

The story moves along at a fast past, keeping the reader guessing at each turn. This page turner of a paranormal romance with its twist, beautiful imagery, hot scenes, and a great ending makes for a terrific read. I can’t wait to read more of Ms. Hunt’s books.

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
More about the author:
Author Bio: As a child I had a complete stable of make believe horses and my imagination remains as vivid. Now it creates characters and scenarios which provide the inspiration for my stories.

I am so excited to finally have career as a writer. My love affair with the written word started as a teenager. I secretly dreamed of writing the romantic novels I loved to read. Life had other plans for me. Marriage at twenty-one whilst still at university launched me into a career in health service management. I often thought about writing in my spare time but my career and two wonderful children kept me occupied 24/7.  Illness forced an abrupt end to my career. Always the optimist I seized the opportunity to write full time in 2012.
The Dragon Legacy is my first published novel and I am excited to be sharing it with a wider audience.
When I'm not writing I enjoy reading, book reviewing, social media and walking in the countryside. Passionate about animal welfare.
The Dragon Legacy -- 20 December 2013
You can connect with Jane Hunt on:

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hump Day Hunk - Blue Collar Heroes

Wow. Its been a long time since I've posted. I want to first thank everyone for continuing to make Heartbreak Ranch a success. I am so glad you have fallen head over heels for Colt McCord :) and although I've featured him in my Hump Day Hunk posts from time to time, today I would like to focus on a different kind of romance novel hero.

While the world is abuzz with the scenes being filmed for Fifty Shades of Grey's big screen adaptation and women everywhere are fantasizing about self-made billionaire Christian Grey, some of us are looking for a man more grounded in reality. While I love stories where a rich man whisks away some beautiful diamond in the rough girl, I also like a story that has a bit more realism. It pushes me as the writer to be more creative. The grand gestures of love don't fall into the same category. Its easy to write a story where the hero gifts his love interest with a whirlwind trip to Paris or expensive jewelry or a new luxury car. But, I think there is a lot of wonderful emotional moments that get missed in all the extravagance.

For one of my next manuscripts I plan on making the male hero someone more down to earth. A man who is strong and works with his hands and knows the value of a promise. He lives to make his love happy and knows that she prefers something he's fashioned for her out of steel instead of store bought because it holds special meaning. My next male hero will be a welder who has an artistic bent and creates beautiful pieces of art from metal. Have you seen the things a welder can do when he unleashes his creative side? Take a look at some of the work on Etsy by artisan welders, like this amazing North Star. Could you imagine falling for a man who could craft something so amazing?

What do you think about creating a male character who is more grounded in reality? Could you fall for a fisherman, or a construction worker, or a welder?

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Cover Reveal: Natalie S. Taylor's Changed By You

Last year, I entered Harlequin Romance's So You Think You Can Write contest with Heartbreak Ranch.  I was thrilled to find not only someone to publish my manuscript but also two great author friends, Susan Arden and Natalie S. Taylor.

I couldn't be more happy to present the cover for Natalie's New Adult Novella, Changed by You.

Look at this gorgeous cover:
Available December 2013 on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Secret Cravings Publishing
Grace Addington imprisoned herself between a place where reality never played a role and where she had control over her happily-ever-after. When her dreams spiral out of control and turn darker she’s left fighting to escape her past once again and runs right into the arms of charming Trevor Stone. He's everything she needs to give her the push to move on, but letting go of her first love won’t be easy. 

Author Bio: Natalie Taylor’s first story was typed out on pink paper while she listened to Jim Croce at age ten. Since then she has found a love for using plain white paper and stopped hiding her work in shoe boxes. She believes music is the cure for most everything—reading and writing will cure everything else. When Natalie isn’t writing, playing the piano or riding shotgun with her husband in their drag car, you’ll find her pulling flip-flops from a puppy’s mouth. It’s a vicious cycle. Marathons of The Big Bang Theory and coffee help her juggle a nine-to-five data entry job.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving at Heartbreak Ranch - Brandied Cranberry Sauce

With Thanksgiving less than a week away, its time to start menu planning at Heartbreak Ranch. What to feed all those hungry folks looking for an authentic Western ranch Thanksgiving meal? Well besides a big ole turkey, we need to have some spectacular sides to showcase our flair for good family style eats.

You can't go wrong with this recipe for Brandied Cranberry Sauce. Its sweet, tart, and has a bit of kick much like Ms. Graysen Beaufort.


  • 1 package (12 oz.) fresh or thawed frozen cranberries
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar 
  • 1/3 to 1/2 cup brandy
  • 2 tablespoons finely shredded orange peel


1. Sort cranberries and discard any soft or spoiled ones. Rinse and drain berries.
2. Mix cranberries, sugar, brandy, and orange peel in an 8- or 9-inch square baking dish. Bake, uncovered, in a 325° oven until berries are tender when pierced and most of the liquid has evaporated, about 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Serve warm or cool.

Monday, October 28, 2013

#MusicMonday - Toby Keith's "You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This - Slow Dancing with Colt McCord

Its Monday, and it couldn't be a better time for a little music. Songs and their lyrics are a huge part of what unfolds into a passionate romance between HEARTBREAK RANCH's Colt McCord and Graysen Beaufort.

Graysen finds herself swooning to Colt's rendition of Toby Keith's "You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This" as he pulls her in closer during a private slow dance in the lodge.

Here's a Youtube clip of that tune:

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hump Day Hunk: The Reviews are in - Colt McCord is One Hot Stallion

Its been a week since my debut novel, HEARTBREAK RANCH from Swoon Romance released worldwide. Its been receiving great reviews and most reviewers are gushing over sexy rancher Colt McCord.

Here's what they are saying:

From Goodreads:
Tee Loves Kyle Jacobson writes:
"Colt McCord and boy oh boy does he summer two week out look change with one look at the crazy sexy horse trainer. I mean he is a gentlemen in every way but with his southern charm and southern hospitality he is the complete package."
From Amazon:

 andrewsheath writes:
 "Colt I loved him, "don't drop the reins next time, Iowa," he said as he handed Grayson her hat, the corner of his mouth edging upward into a wry smile." I just loved how he talked, "twenty? Lordy, why, you're just a baby." He has a possessiveness about him, "I am going to make you mine before you leave. I am going to make love to you. Not just because I want you, but because if I don't both of us will regret it for the rest of our lives." When I picture a cowboy or rancher I picture Colt, "darlin', I know," he said softly. "I've been sitting in the next stall over; I heard every word you said." "
Susan Arden - Sweet & Spicy Tales  writes:
 "Repeat after me: COWBOY FLIRT ALERT!
Colt isn't just any cowboy, he's educated from Texas A &M and he doesn't just act the ranch hand even though he does backbreaking work. He's the adopted son of the ranch owners with a painful past."


Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday Mouthful: Its About the Music

My debut novel from Swoon Romance releases worldwide tomorrow, October 15, 2013. Looking back on the whole process of writing it, I can't help but be reminded how much music played a part in who these characters and this story have developed into.

Below are a few favorites that come to mind when I think about Graysen and Colt's story.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Careful... You're Extremely Hot...

Starbucks is the place to go for coffee, even for the handsome ranch hand, Colt McCord in my debut novel HEARTBREAK RANCH from Swoon Romance. It releases on October 15, 2013.

 He's probably not been in one, but his lust interest, Graysen Beaufort can't bear to do with out her caffeine fix from Starbucks. I'd like to think this is what would be on Colt's cup from a barista...

Friday, October 4, 2013

Cover Reveal: The Best Laid Plans by Tamara Mataya

Author: Tamara Mataya
Publisher: Swoon Romance
Pub Date: November 12, 2013
Genre: New Adult/Adult Contemporary Romance
Ages: 17+/mature content & language

Jayne Griffin isn’t looking for Mr. Right. She’s looking for Mr. RTFN and a toe-curling good time. She’s got the brains, the powerful job as a futures broker, and thanks to a makeover and a thin book of dating advice, the confidence to turn any man’s head. 

Malcolm Black notices his high school crush, Jayne, from the stage of her company’s work party. His adolescent feelings for her died beneath months of abuse at the hands of bullies. Abuse that was Jayne’s fault. Though this scorching hot studio musician is unrecognizable as the band geek he used to be, the hurt still lives inside him, and he hatches a plan: Seduce Jayne into falling in love with him, and then shatter her heart. 

The white-hot chemistry between them is a pleasant surprise. It all goes so smoothly until Feelings start to develop... and that invitation to their ten year high school reunion lands in their inboxes. 

Jayne wants the perfect lover. Malcolm wants revenge. But you know what they say about The Best Laid Plans!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hump Day Hunk: Bring Me Caffeine and a Hunk of a Man...

Well, I missed National Coffee Day on Sunday so I decided to celebrate it, I would combine Hump Day Hunk with some Caffeine - the result is quite stimulating don't you think?

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Saddle Up Saturday - Sexy Colt McCord of Heartbreak Ranch

Saturday... a day for watching Westerns on AMC or Encore... and a day for lazily staring at some seriously sexy men in the saddle. It just so happens my upcoming release features one of those type of men - You know the ruggedly handsome, tanned, wild stallion of a man.

Rancher Colt McCord of HEARTBREAK RANCH is definitely that. 

More information about HEARTBREAK RANCH set for worldwide release on October 15, 2013:

Heartbreak Ranch
by Anastasia Ryan
Release Date: 10/15/13
Publisher: Swoon Romance
New Adult 17+

Summary from Goodreads:
Recent college graduate, Graysen Beaufort, resigns herself to two weeks of boredom at a dude ranch honoring her parents’ wishes for one last family vacation.

She doesn't plan on meeting Colt McCord, an irresistible cowboy who threatens to bring disorder to Graysen's ordinarily ordered life.

Dodging an overprotective family, an unwelcome suitor, and certain heartbreak, Graysen struggles to break free of her limitations and submit her heart to Colt’s love. But learning to let go isn't easy, even with a man like Colt.

Colt McCord, White Pine Ranch’s head horse trainer, loves the busy, back-breaking work of a cattle ranch.

But when he meets a beautiful and spirited woman from Iowa, she makes him forget everything he'd known before, and he risks everything to be with her.

Colt is accustomed to breaking horses, but can he tame Graysen’s wild heart before it is too late?

Sign up to participate in the Blog Tour and Book Blitz for Heartbreak Ranch


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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hump Day Hunk - My Fall TV Crush

After the Monday night debut of Fox's Sleepy Hollow,  there was no way I wasn't choosing Tom Mison who portrays Ichabod Crane as my hump day hunk this week. He's handsome, talented, and he has that swoon-worthy British accent. Reportedly he also likes to read Vonnegut and enjoys single malt. A man after my own heart... Yep, I think he is on the top of my Fall TV-crush list.

And judging from this list courtesy E!Online, he has a perfectly dry wit:

Nicknames: T-Mis
Website You Check Every Morning: io9 and The Guardian
Current Pop Culture Obsessions: I wear corduroy and you ask me about pop culture?
Hidden Talent: Probably my twerking. It's haunting.
Top Five Most Played Songs On Your iPod: At the moment: "Golden Age" by Woodkid, "Default" by Atoms For Peace, "The Beat Goes On" by Buddy Rich, "I Belong in Your Arms" by Chairlift and "Allez Allez Allez" by Camille
Your First TV Crush: Michaela Strachan from The Really Wild Show
Which Other TV Character Could You See Your Character Dating: Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham
If You Could Guest Star On Any Other Show: The now confirmed Breaking Bad spinoff, Better Call Saul
Favorite TV Snack: Sweet potato fries
If My Costars Had to Describe Me In One Word, It Would Probably Be: *Sigh*

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


The day is finally here! I am proud to present the cover for my debut novel, Heartbreak Ranch. Swoon Romance is releasing it in October 2013.  Thank you to my wonderful publisher Georgia McBride, Swoon Romance's founder for helping get my vision for Graysen and Colt onto this amazing cover! Also a special thanks to YA Bound Book Tours for hosting the cover reveal. Another thanks to Amanda at AKG Designs who took my official author photo. I hope you all love it as much as I do! :)

Without further ado...

More details on my New Adult Novel, HEARTBREAK RANCH:

Author: Anastasia Ryan
Genre: New Adult Romance
Pub Date: October 15, 2013
Publisher: Swoon Romance
Formats: Available for Kindle and Nook

Recent college graduate, Graysen Beaufort, resigns herself to two weeks of boredom at a dude ranch honoring her parents’ wishes for one last family vacation.

She doesn't plan on meeting Colt McCord, an irresistible cowboy who threatens to bring disorder to Graysen's ordinarily ordered life.

Dodging an overprotective family, an unwelcome suitor, and certain heartbreak, Graysen struggles to break free of her limitations and submit her heart to Colt’s love. But learning to let go isn't easy, even with a man like Colt.

Colt McCord, White Pine Ranch’s head horse trainer, loves the busy, back-breaking work of a cattle ranch.

But when he meets a beautiful and spirited woman from Iowa, she makes him forget everything he'd known before, and he risks everything to be with her.

Colt is accustomed to breaking horses, but can he tame Graysen’s wild heart before it is too late?

Anastasia on Twitter:
Publisher Website: