Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hump Day Hunk: The Reviews are in - Colt McCord is One Hot Stallion

Its been a week since my debut novel, HEARTBREAK RANCH from Swoon Romance released worldwide. Its been receiving great reviews and most reviewers are gushing over sexy rancher Colt McCord.

Here's what they are saying:

From Goodreads:
Tee Loves Kyle Jacobson writes:
"Colt McCord and boy oh boy does he summer two week out look change with one look at the crazy sexy horse trainer. I mean he is a gentlemen in every way but with his southern charm and southern hospitality he is the complete package."
From Amazon:

 andrewsheath writes:
 "Colt I loved him, "don't drop the reins next time, Iowa," he said as he handed Grayson her hat, the corner of his mouth edging upward into a wry smile." I just loved how he talked, "twenty? Lordy, why, you're just a baby." He has a possessiveness about him, "I am going to make you mine before you leave. I am going to make love to you. Not just because I want you, but because if I don't both of us will regret it for the rest of our lives." When I picture a cowboy or rancher I picture Colt, "darlin', I know," he said softly. "I've been sitting in the next stall over; I heard every word you said." "
Susan Arden - Sweet & Spicy Tales  writes:
 "Repeat after me: COWBOY FLIRT ALERT!
Colt isn't just any cowboy, he's educated from Texas A &M and he doesn't just act the ranch hand even though he does backbreaking work. He's the adopted son of the ranch owners with a painful past."


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