Saturday, November 23, 2013

Cover Reveal: Natalie S. Taylor's Changed By You

Last year, I entered Harlequin Romance's So You Think You Can Write contest with Heartbreak Ranch.  I was thrilled to find not only someone to publish my manuscript but also two great author friends, Susan Arden and Natalie S. Taylor.

I couldn't be more happy to present the cover for Natalie's New Adult Novella, Changed by You.

Look at this gorgeous cover:
Available December 2013 on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Secret Cravings Publishing
Grace Addington imprisoned herself between a place where reality never played a role and where she had control over her happily-ever-after. When her dreams spiral out of control and turn darker she’s left fighting to escape her past once again and runs right into the arms of charming Trevor Stone. He's everything she needs to give her the push to move on, but letting go of her first love won’t be easy. 

Author Bio: Natalie Taylor’s first story was typed out on pink paper while she listened to Jim Croce at age ten. Since then she has found a love for using plain white paper and stopped hiding her work in shoe boxes. She believes music is the cure for most everything—reading and writing will cure everything else. When Natalie isn’t writing, playing the piano or riding shotgun with her husband in their drag car, you’ll find her pulling flip-flops from a puppy’s mouth. It’s a vicious cycle. Marathons of The Big Bang Theory and coffee help her juggle a nine-to-five data entry job.

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