Friday, August 30, 2013

Freaky Friday - The Man of My Dreams...

Do you ever have one of those moments when you are in the middle of a steamy read and you suddenly get a flash of an image or voice that comes to mind when you picture the main male character in the novel you just can't put down?

One of my favorite recent reads, Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren  left me breathless, but for some reason when I picture BB, Bennett Ryan himself, I see and hear Patrick Wharburton. Not the glittery vampire from Twilight or Superman(although this one is much more to my liking), but this guy:

I blame it entirely on my multitasking. Sitting in the living room watching television and reading at the same time produces some interesting results and now I am having difficulty picturing anyone else as Bennett Ryan. The dream I had about BB that night, I saw Patrick Wharburton and now every time I read a quote from that book or look back at it, I can only picture him.

Perhaps it is the role he plays in Rules of Engagement. He is sort of a beautiful bastard. He is easy on the eyes and he does have a distinctive deep voice. Perhaps this gentleman might just fit the bill when it comes to recasting the Beautiful Bastard - at least in my mind. This is Jamie Dornan:

Have a terrific weekend!

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