Thursday, July 24, 2014

Kinky F**kery Causes Blog Fail

This morning when I sat down with my hot cup of caffeine and my twitter feed, I fully intended on continuing to build my writer platform. I even read an article at Writer's Digest by Chuck Sambuchino about eight things every blogger should know.

And, not minutes later I found myself ready to break rule number eight:

8. Don’t Blog Something That’s Already Been Blogged
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought of a great idea, only to find that it has already been covered by other bloggers on my own site. Now, I do read the site, but the volume of posts is insane — and my memory is short enough that I don’t remember what people were posting about three years ago. Use the site search. If you don’t, people will yell for reposting stuff. Also, get familiar with the Google site: syntax (example: “chris higgins” will turn up posts including my name from that site).
I should have been posting writing tips, offering up some free short story showcasing my writing style, or sharing some geek girl wit and wisdom, but I couldn't stop myself from watching it, let alone blogging about the Fifty Shades of Grey trailer. I know everyone and their Dom is watching it right now, but I couldn't resist. It pulled me in with its hypnotic version of BeyoncĂ©'s "Crazy in Love".

Bless me blogging gods for I have sinned, here I am blogging about Mr. Grey seeing me on Valentine's 2015 despite myself.

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