Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hump Day Hunk: A Hunk of Burnin' Love

I couldn't resist the title and also going a bit retro for my usual Hump Day Hunk posting. Today is the King of Rock n Roll's birthday, so to honor that I thought Elvis was the perfect choice. What's not to love? His sultry voice, his amazing hair, his eyes, and that brooding, pouty, pensive look like in the picture below:

Elvis was way before my time, but my Mom is a huge fan. I can recall going through her record collection and playing all of his music. I became enchanted with him and my parents took us on a family vacation to Memphis so we could tour Graceland.
And although he was known for his films and his fun music, his tender side gets me every time. Below is one of my favorites, Always on My Mind.

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