Monday, October 28, 2013

#MusicMonday - Toby Keith's "You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This - Slow Dancing with Colt McCord

Its Monday, and it couldn't be a better time for a little music. Songs and their lyrics are a huge part of what unfolds into a passionate romance between HEARTBREAK RANCH's Colt McCord and Graysen Beaufort.

Graysen finds herself swooning to Colt's rendition of Toby Keith's "You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This" as he pulls her in closer during a private slow dance in the lodge.

Here's a Youtube clip of that tune:

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hump Day Hunk: The Reviews are in - Colt McCord is One Hot Stallion

Its been a week since my debut novel, HEARTBREAK RANCH from Swoon Romance released worldwide. Its been receiving great reviews and most reviewers are gushing over sexy rancher Colt McCord.

Here's what they are saying:

From Goodreads:
Tee Loves Kyle Jacobson writes:
"Colt McCord and boy oh boy does he summer two week out look change with one look at the crazy sexy horse trainer. I mean he is a gentlemen in every way but with his southern charm and southern hospitality he is the complete package."
From Amazon:

 andrewsheath writes:
 "Colt I loved him, "don't drop the reins next time, Iowa," he said as he handed Grayson her hat, the corner of his mouth edging upward into a wry smile." I just loved how he talked, "twenty? Lordy, why, you're just a baby." He has a possessiveness about him, "I am going to make you mine before you leave. I am going to make love to you. Not just because I want you, but because if I don't both of us will regret it for the rest of our lives." When I picture a cowboy or rancher I picture Colt, "darlin', I know," he said softly. "I've been sitting in the next stall over; I heard every word you said." "
Susan Arden - Sweet & Spicy Tales  writes:
 "Repeat after me: COWBOY FLIRT ALERT!
Colt isn't just any cowboy, he's educated from Texas A &M and he doesn't just act the ranch hand even though he does backbreaking work. He's the adopted son of the ranch owners with a painful past."


Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday Mouthful: Its About the Music

My debut novel from Swoon Romance releases worldwide tomorrow, October 15, 2013. Looking back on the whole process of writing it, I can't help but be reminded how much music played a part in who these characters and this story have developed into.

Below are a few favorites that come to mind when I think about Graysen and Colt's story.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Careful... You're Extremely Hot...

Starbucks is the place to go for coffee, even for the handsome ranch hand, Colt McCord in my debut novel HEARTBREAK RANCH from Swoon Romance. It releases on October 15, 2013.

 He's probably not been in one, but his lust interest, Graysen Beaufort can't bear to do with out her caffeine fix from Starbucks. I'd like to think this is what would be on Colt's cup from a barista...

Friday, October 4, 2013

Cover Reveal: The Best Laid Plans by Tamara Mataya

Author: Tamara Mataya
Publisher: Swoon Romance
Pub Date: November 12, 2013
Genre: New Adult/Adult Contemporary Romance
Ages: 17+/mature content & language

Jayne Griffin isn’t looking for Mr. Right. She’s looking for Mr. RTFN and a toe-curling good time. She’s got the brains, the powerful job as a futures broker, and thanks to a makeover and a thin book of dating advice, the confidence to turn any man’s head. 

Malcolm Black notices his high school crush, Jayne, from the stage of her company’s work party. His adolescent feelings for her died beneath months of abuse at the hands of bullies. Abuse that was Jayne’s fault. Though this scorching hot studio musician is unrecognizable as the band geek he used to be, the hurt still lives inside him, and he hatches a plan: Seduce Jayne into falling in love with him, and then shatter her heart. 

The white-hot chemistry between them is a pleasant surprise. It all goes so smoothly until Feelings start to develop... and that invitation to their ten year high school reunion lands in their inboxes. 

Jayne wants the perfect lover. Malcolm wants revenge. But you know what they say about The Best Laid Plans!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hump Day Hunk: Bring Me Caffeine and a Hunk of a Man...

Well, I missed National Coffee Day on Sunday so I decided to celebrate it, I would combine Hump Day Hunk with some Caffeine - the result is quite stimulating don't you think?